One-On-One Soccer Training

One-On-One Soccer Training Drills And Tips

Soccer, the world’s most beloved sport, has seen a surge in the popularity of one-on-one training. With this customized strategy, players receive one-on-one soccer training to improve their abilities, gain self-assurance, and perform at their best.

What is one-on-one Soccer Training?

One-On-One Soccer Training.

An individual player works with a coach to develop their football talents in one-on-one training. Based on the player’s needs, this training develops ball control, dribbling, shooting, passing, tactical understanding, and fitness.

One-on-one football training allows the coach to adjust exercises and drills to the player’s skills and shortcomings. This personalized technique gives players rapid feedback and corrections, increasing their growth and improving their game.

 Why one-on-one Soccer Skills are So Important?

ย Why one-on-one Soccer Skills are So Important?

A player’s versatility and adaptation on the pitch depend on one-on-one football skills. Individually skilled players can beat opponents, producing dynamic plays and scoring chances. One-on-one abilities’ creativity and innovation make games unexpected, giving players a strategic advantage.

One-on-one success boosts confidence, improving performance and decision-making. Players with great individual skills can lure defenders, generating space for teammates and improving team dynamics. In addition to attacking skills, strong one-on-one defense is essential for a competent backline.

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best drills for one-on-one soccer training

best drills for one-on-one soccer training

One-on-one training extends beyond skill development. Tactical planning and game simulation help players prepare for matches, ensuring they can apply their skills in a real game scenario effectively. Here are the best exercises for one-on-one training.

Cone Dribbling Challenge

Set up a line of cones and have the player weave through them while maintaining close ball control. Time the runs and challenge the player to improve their speed and precision.

Shadow Defending

Assign a defender to closely shadow the attacker, allowing minimal space. The attacker must use quick turns and changes of pace to lose the defender and take a shot on goal. This improves offensive 1v1 skills and defensive awareness.

Goal Box Duel

Place a small goal in the penalty area and pair players up. One player defends the goal, while the other tries to score. This exercise emphasizes quick decision-making, agility, and finishing.

Mirror Image Drill

Have two players stand facing each other with a ball. One player initiates a move, and the other must replicate it in a mirrored fashion. This helps improve ball control, agility, and the ability to read an opponent.

Cutting Inside from Wings

one on one drill

Set up cones to simulate the sideline and goal line. Players start on the wings and practice cutting inside to beat a defender before taking a shot. This replicates common 1v1 scenarios near the goal.

Pressure Situations with Limited Touches

Create an area with a small goal and allow players only a limited number of touches to score. This encourages quick decision-making, close ball control, and effective use of space.

Passive Defender Drill

Place a passive defender (who doesnโ€™t actively challenge for the ball) in front of the attacker. The attacker’s goal is to use skill moves and changes of direction to beat the defender and take a shot on goal.

1v1 Shielding Challenge

One player tries to shield the ball from the defender and keep possession while the defender attempts to win. This exercise enhances strength, balance, and the ability to protect the ball under pressure.

Quick Turn and Shoot

Position the player with their back to the goal, and upon a signal, they must turn quickly, evade a simulated defender, and take a shot on goal. This improves reaction time and shooting under pressure.

Continuous 1v1s

Create a structure of a grid where players continually engage in 1v1 battles, with the winner staying on. This fast-paced drill enhances endurance, decision-making under fatigue, and adaptability in various 1v1 scenarios.

See Also: How To Get Better At Soccer

Individual Possession Practice

Individual possession practice, on the other hand, concentrates on a player’s ball control and retention skills when facing defensive pressure. This involves navigating through tight spaces, shielding the ball from opponents, and executing quick turns to maintain possession.

1v1 Defensive Decision Making

1v1 Defensive Decision Making

In 1v1 defensive decision-making, players practice making good choices against individual attackers. This training focuses on reading the opponent’s motions, assessing the situation swiftly, and selecting whether to apply pressure, stay defensive, or tackle.

1v1 Dealing With Pressure

The 1v1 coping with pressure drill requires players to control the ball under severe defensive pressure. This practice helps players stay calm, control the ball, and make quick decisions in tight places.

1v1 Duels

In 1v1 duels, players engage in confrontations against opponents, both as attackers and defenders. This drill focuses on developing a player’s ability to outmaneuver an opponent while attacking and effectively challenge an attacker while defending.

See Also: Soccer Drills For U11

3 best Tips for One-on-One Soccer Training

When it comes to one-on-one soccer training, here are the three finest strategies that will help you improve your abilities and confidence while you are playing the game.

1. Learn and Refine New Techniques

Learn and Refine New Techniques

Players can learn and improve new techniques in one-on-one soccer training. Players acquire advanced skills with personalized coaching and practice from coaches. This targeted strategy speeds up learning and helps players easily incorporate new maneuvers.

Diversify Skill Set

Introduce new techniques such as advanced dribbling moves, creative ball control methods, and effective feints.

Progressive Difficulty

Start with basic moves and gradually progress to more complex skills as proficiency improves.


Emphasize repetitive practice to ensure muscle memory and mastery of the newly learned techniques.

2. Focus on the Individual Needs of the Soccer Player

Focus on the Individual Needs of the Soccer Player

A major benefit of tailored training is the focus on individual needs. Each player’s skills and shortcomings are assessed by coaches to create training plans that increase performance. This personalized method gives players greater attention, improving their soccer talents.

Personalized Training Plan

Assess the player’s strengths and weaknesses to create a customized training plan.

Target Weaknesses

Concentrate on improving areas that need development, whether speed, agility, or positional awareness.

Position-Specific Training

Tailor drills to the player’s position on the field, addressing the unique demands and skills required.

3. Build Confidence

Build Confidence in Football

Football confidence is built through individualized teaching. Players build confidence by tackling specific problems and improving their abilities with individualized workouts. Confidence is essential for individual achievement and team contribution.

Positive Reinforcement

Encourage and praise the player for their efforts and achievements during training.

Successive Challenges

Gradually increase the difficulty of exercises, allowing the player to experience success and build confidence.

Simulate Game Scenarios

Create situations that mimic real-game scenarios, helping players gain confidence in decision-making and execution.


How to Improve 1 on 1 Soccer?

To enhance your 1 on 1 soccer skills, focus on quick changes in direction, practice dribbling under pressure, and develop precise ball control. Consistent practice and drills that simulate game scenarios are key.

Is One-on-One Football Training Worth It?

Absolutely! One-on-one football training is highly beneficial as it provides personalized attention, allowing players to address specific weaknesses, refine skills, and build confidence, contributing significantly to overall improvement.

How Do You Train Soccer Alone?

Solo soccer training involves working on fundamental skills such as passing, shooting, and ball control. Utilize drills, practice with both feet and incorporate fitness exercises to maintain and enhance your performance.

What Is Individual Training in Soccer?

Individual soccer training refers to personalized coaching sessions where a player works one-on-one with a coach to address specific aspects of their game. This tailored approach focuses on the individual’s needs, accelerating skill development and overall performance.


One-on-one soccer training is a transformative approach that unlocks the full potential of players. By offering personalized attention, tailored programs, and leveraging technology, coaches can guide players toward success on the soccer field. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, embracing one-on-one training can be a game-changer in your soccer journey.

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